Search by BMB ID

To see if your item is available for sale on our website, enter your BMB ID here.

Don’t see your item?

There could be a few reasons for this:

If it has only been a few days since your offer has been agreed, it may still be in the process of being cleaned and professionally photographed. We recommend that you allow 5 working days for this work to be completed.

Depending on the condition of your item, it could be in our Clinic for minor touch ups so that we can ensure you earn the most for it. Due to the popularity of our handbag restoration services though, this could result in it taking longer for your bag to go live on our website.

It may have been purchased but within the mandatory 10-day cooling off period for buyers. Once this time period has passed, you will be notified by our Payments team who will then arrange payment.

Your bag may be an in-store exclusive in one of our concession stores in Fenwick Newcastle or Fenwick Colchester, which do not appear on our website.

Need to contact us?

If you have any further questions about selling with us, please visit our FAQs or you can contact a member of our team here

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