Handbag Care at Home: Do’s and Definite Don’ts

Handbag care at home is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more people looking to extend the life of their item - which is music to our ears. But, and it’s a big but, it’s crucial that you have the right tools and products to avoid causing sometimes irreparable damage.

Recently we have seen a significant increase in the number of handbags being sent in our Clinic that initially only required a small £50 fix, but because they have used the wrong products, pressure and method of cleaning, they now need significantly more work and hundreds of pounds to fix.

Many of the online ‘hacks’ are downright bizarre and can cause damage so here we debunk some of the most common myths around handbag cleaning at home:

1. Baby wipes can be used to lift stains, ingrained marks or dirt

    This is perhaps one of the most common misconceptions out there. We frequently receive bags that have been damaged through the use of baby wipes. Because baby wipes contain various cleaning chemicals, these can be too abrasive on pigmented leather and can lead to colour loss and leave water marks. This then requires specialist treatment that takes years to learn and not something that should be attempted at home if you don’t want to risk further damaging and devaluing your much loved handbag.

    2. Vinegar and (we can’t even…!) nail varnish remover

      OK, let’s be clear, ladies. ‘Kim & Aggie’ style shortcuts do not apply to caring for your handbags. Using highly abrasive chemicals such as vinegar and nail varnish remover is one of the most damaging misconceptions out there and can lead to the pigmented colour being drawn out of the leather.

      3. Washing up liquid can be used to clean your handbag

        Whilst this is a slightly gentler approach, it can still result in water marks and lines which requires specialist treatment. Many people also only use this on a certain area rather than the whole bag which leads to the water marks.

        4. A quick spin in the washing machine can clean your leather, suede or fabric bag

          For the love of God, no! There are a surprising amount of cleaning blogs and forums sharing this trick and it’s the surest way to ruin the shape and structure of your precious handbag. What’s more, it’s not even effective at drawing out the dirt or stains. We’ve seen a marked increase of washing machine causalities arrive in the Clinic following the pandemic that now require structural reinforcement.

          5. The Correct Way to Care For your Handbag at Home

          When you’re spending hundreds and often thousands of pounds on a luxury handbag, cleaning and protecting it from day one is essential.

          Obviously, accidents do happen so if you accidentally stain your bag there are some steps you can follow to reduce the staining and ensure this causes as little damage as possible before handing it over to the experts.

          Do not apply water or any cleaning products you may have to hand - you will at this point only make the staining worse. Instead, start by blotting the stained area as soon as possible with a clean, dry cloth or tissue - you want to absorb as much of the liquid as possible.

          Once you have removed the excess liquid, you should then blot the stained area with a damp cloth or tissue using warm water only. Start at the outside of the stain and work inwards; this will stop the stain from spreading outwards.

          If you have one of our Care Kits, you should clean the stained area with the cleaner provided. As before, you should then proceed to dab the stained area with a dry cloth or tissue to absorb any left-over water or cleaner. Never rub the stained area as this can cause the stain to spread.

          Do not apply heat directly to the stained area as this can set the stain. Your bag is best left to dry in a warm room. If any staining remains once dried, contact us for a free cleaning quote, stain removal starts at just £50.

          Discover all our Handbag Cleaning and Protection Services here.

          We also offer a full range of Shoe Services as well. Take a look.

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